API 2.0 Version 1.0
Returns a list of videos. Videos are ordered with the most recent first, unless a custom order has been specified in the videos area of the Control Panel.
limit optional
Maximum number of results to return. Default is 20 and maximum is 100.
page optional
Scan into the results by specifying a page number. Default is 1.
tags optional
Specifies if the tags element (which contains the contributors, works, etc) should be included in the results. If you only need high level information you can reduce overhead by not returning tags.
Allowed values are:
  • 0 - The tags element is not returned.
  • 1 (default) - The tags element is returned.
auto-play optional
Specifies if the embed code should automatically play the video.
Allowed values are:
  • 0 - Auto-play is off.
  • 1 (default) - Auto-play is on.
embed-width optional
Specifies the width of the video in the embed code. Default is 425.
embed-height optional
Specifies the height of the video in the embed code. Default is 355.
cid optional
By default the API returns data for the contributor associated with your account and you can ignore this parameter. If you have extended API permissions you can request data from other contributors by specifying the cid.
Response Elements
Element Description Empty Allowed? Cardinality?
Contains 0 to many video objects that match the request. The element also has attributes that describe the total number of items matching the request, the number of items returned per page, and the current page index of results.
yes 1
Sample Response
<videos page="1" max-per-page="20" total="0" />